My whole life two things have always been most important to me, my Catholic faith and my family. I've always had a good home life and God has given me the most compassionate family I could ever asked for. My wonderful parents have been with me every step of the journey and have supported each and every decision. They have showed me how to truly love and live a life for others. The past couple years of my life, I have really gained a big interest in missionary work and living a life towards serving others. There is a certain amazing feeling you get after helping someone in need. I read this quote a few days ago from John Bunyan, and he said:
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."
We were brought into this world to be Jesus' hands and feet. To show Jesus' love to each and every child of God we encounter. God didn't create us to be like everyone else either, he called us to stand out and to make a difference in this suffering world around us and to lead people to him. I believe that God has deeply rooted this need to serve others and the idea of living third {God first. Others second. Myself third.} It breaks my heart every time I see a homeless man or women left on the streets all alone to fend for themselves. I long for the day to come when all of God's children are treated with the dignity and praise they deserve. Which leads to my longing to help all the people I possibly can. To impact as many lives in my life as I can. I want to go bigger and beyond just my state and my country. I want to reach out to some of the poorest countries that are in desperate need of basic necessities you and I take for granted. I want to give people hope and let them know they are so deeply LOVED. Which is why I feel as though God has called me to join the Peace Corps. To give back the deep love the Father has given me and spread joy as many places as possible.